Automotive Service Technician Pre-Apprenticeship Trades Award
Two awards at $2,000 each, available to students enrolled in the Automotive Service Technician pre-apprenticeship (foundation) program at Okanagan College. Preferred applicants are students intending to pursue further levels of study in the Apprenticeship Automotive Service Technician program and returning within 18 months to Okanagan College. Recipients must be residents of BC. Successful applicants may be asked to participate in a testimonial.
Selection of recipients will be made by the Automotive Service Technician Department based on contribution to the class and to the automotive industry.
Automotive Service Technician Apprenticeship Awards
Two awards at $1,000 each, available to students enrolled in levels 2, 3, or 4 of the Automotive Service Technician Apprenticeship program at Okanagan College. Recipients must be residents of BC. Successful applicants may be asked to participate in a testimonial.
Selection of recipients will be made by the Automotive Service Technician Department based on contribution to the class and to the automotive industry.
Business Student Awards
Two awards at $2,000 each, available to students enrolled full-time in the business degree or diploma program at Okanagan College and will have completed one or more semesters of full-time study. Recipients must be residents of BC. Successful applicants may be asked to participate in a testimonial.
Selection of recipients will be based on a combination of academic achievement and financial need. Preferred recipients will have professional intentions or current career connections in the automotive industry.