New Car Dealers of BC Foundation Award for Business Students
Two awards at $2,000 each, available to continuing students in a business program. Preferred applicants will be those who have an interest in a technical, accounting, management, sales or marketing career with the New Car Dealers of BC. Applicants must be residents of BC, and successful applicants may be asked to participate in a testimonial.
VIU students may apply through their student profile. March 31 deadline. Funds awarded as a tuition credit for the fall semester.
New Car Dealers of BC Foundation Award for Trades Students
Three awards at $2,000 each, available to students in the Automotive Service Technician program, with preferred applicants participating in an Apprenticeship, and who have an interest in a career with the New Car Dealers of BC. Applicants must be residents of BC. Successful applicants may be asked to participate in a testimonial. No application necessary.
VIU students may apply through the University. Recipients selected by Trades Department in May, with funds issued at graduation.